Green Initiative on SB 129: Let's Defend DEI


Hey Green Initiative,

It’s on a little sad (frustrated) note that I’m starting this newsletter. A lot has happened in the Alabama State House in the past week, and it’s insane that some of it’s actually real. Notably, the Alabama Senate passed SB 129 three days ago — for those of you not aware, this bill would ban DEI in any public facility in Alabama. In other words, UAB would be required to get rid of the SMDP office, SJAC, etc. and potentially cultural organizations, fraternities/sororities under the Pan-Hellenic and Multicultural Greek Councils, etc.

As a result, we, Green Initiative, would lose funding from SJAC (which provides for some of our largest events i.e. Blazer Thrift). The bigger consequence though; it may become illegal or at the least extremely difficult for us to continue with our environmental racism/ injustice advocacy efforts. The environmental problems we see around us go hand in hand with systemic racism, classism, and other forms of inequity, and North Birmingham is a (sadly) perfect example of that. Green Initiative wants to continue having these conversations with you all and stands with UAB’s DEI initiatives. So, we urge you to:

  1. Call your representatives

  2. Sign this petition

  3. Show up to the demonstration tomorrow at the Hill Amphitheater any time between 12:30-2:30 pm

  4. Stay updated! Here’re a few Instagram handles that I’ve found to be helpful:

    1. @ydsauab

    2. @acluofalabama

    3. @alabamavaluesprogress

    4. @alabamaqsa

For Green Initiative’s full statement on SB 129, read below or check out our latest post on Instagram!

Keep reading for some much lighter updates and an officer spotlight!

Officer Spotlight: Peter Shen

Website Coordinator (and Photographer :))

Favorite Green Initiative memory: “Preparing for Spring 2023 Blazer Thrift! All the officers really got to work together for probably our biggest initiative of the year. I also got one of my favorite sweatshirts from it”

Fun fact: “I sung in an a capella group throughout high school” 🎙️ 

Food you can’t live without: oatmeal 🥣 

Favorite GIF

Our amazing website (thanks to Pete!)

This Week on Campus


go out today or tomorrow to support MUSE and the arts in general!

more free plants this week :)

That’s all for now! Please please take a moment to let me know what more you would like to see with this newsletter; this is solely for you all, and I’m happy to make any changes in the content or format according to your feedback!

Otherwise, we are looking forward to seeing you at our event TONIGHT and at the demonstration tomorrow, and stay tuned to our Instagram (@uabgreeninitiative), GroupMe, website, and TikTok — we have a new Day in the Life video from our favorite Ms. President Sarah Wilson🫡, so be sure to check that out!

As always, thank you so much for reading :)


Ashriitha <3