Upcoming: Our Campus Mini-Thrift Store is Back!


Happy Monday Green Initiative! 🎉 

Fun fact: there’s a global surplus of solar panels currently (and not enough demand) that in some countries these panels are being used as garden fences 🤯 (innovation?)

That has nothing to do with the rest of this email, but I heard about it on a podcast and thought I’d share :)

But you know what else is pretty mind-blowing? The number of amazing events we have planned for Earth Month on campus! Keep reading to see the full lineup!

solar panels as garden fences…

Officer Spotlight: Alexa Joy Lopez

Freshman Representative

Favorite Green Initiative memory: “I loved setting up for Blazer Thrift the night before Shop Day with the e-board! It was fun hanging out while also checking out all the donations we got” (why you should volunteer too 👀)

Food you can’t live without: soft pretzels 🥨 

Everyday sustainability: Take the Blazer Express buses! The buses travel around campus, so I use it to get to work. It's free, easy, and comfortable! 🚌

Sustainability tip: host clothing swaps with your friends!

Most used emoji: ❤️‍🔥 

This Week on Campus

TODAY! (free glasses; first-come, first-serve)

Enjoy the beautiful weather with a free workout 🧘 

Stop by on the Green to learn how Serve205 and Blazer Productions Assistants are helping the Earth🌎️ 

Donate to either Blazer Kitchen or Blazer Thrift for up to $30 off of your parking ticket 👀 

Drop off gently used clothing, books, etc. at tabling or on Shop Day!


Community Events and Opportunities

That’s all for now! With this being the second to last newsletter of the year 😢, please take a moment to let us know if you’ve liked this new format for our newsletters this year and what more/less you’d like to see!

Otherwise, we are looking forward to seeing you throughout this week and at Shop Day this FRIDAY! Stay tuned to our Instagram (@uabgreeninitiative), GroupMe, website, and TikTok!

As always, thank you so much for reading :)


Ashriitha 💚